Privacy Policy

Privacy policy & Cookies

The following Privacy Policy applies when you use or place an order on the website

Personal data

We must inform you about our processing of your personal data. All the information you provide us or that we obtain when you visit our stope will be processed responsibly and safely by us. The information will be used to enable us to fulfil our business responsibilities to you, optimize user experience on our site and for marketing purposes. We will not provide your personal data to a third party unless you agree to it.

Your rights

You have the right to request access to the personal data we store about you. We aim to always be transparent with how we process your personal data. If you want to gain a deeper insight into what personal data we process about you, you have the right to access that information.

You have the right to get wrongfully information corrected. You have the right to get your personal data corrected if its wrongfully stated. You also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed if it is incomplete.

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data is restricted. You have the right to request that personal data we process should be restricted and that future processing is limited to certain purposes.

You have the right to request to have your personal data deleted

You have the right to request to have your personal data deleted. Please note that we can be forced to decline your requests regarding deletion of your personal data if there are legal obligations that prevent us. These obligations are based on the Swedish bookkeeping act, tax regulations, banking laws and consumer purchases act.

For all inquiries regarding personal data, please send your request in an email to Please note that if you refuse us to handle certain personal data, we may have to decline your purchase order.


We use cookies on our site to give you a better shopping experience, and for allowing us to analyze traffic and behavior on our site and to personalize and make our recommendations and digital marketing more effective. We don’t use cookies for storing of personal information or to share it with third parties that you have not agreed to.

If you do not accept our use of cookies on our website, you may configure your browser settings to prevent it from accepting cookies. You can determine the use and scope of all cookies in your browser settings. You can set your computer so that every time when a cookie is being placed, you are alerted, or you can turn off all cookies via your browser and delete all existing cookies. In the Help function of your browser, you can learn how to change or update your cookies correctly – these are depending on what browser you use.